We want to make data better, together.
Adam Kariv (@adam.kariv) Rufus Pollock (@rufuspollock)
We're passionate about data. Passionate about its power to help us understand and shape our societies. And we want to democratise that power by giving more people, more access to high quality data and tooling.
Everyone who has worked with data as much as we have, knows it takes far too many hours of tedious searching and wrangling before you have the data you need to generating actual insight.
We want to change that – both for ourselves and everyone else.
DataHub began as a project by Datopian and Open Knowledge International. For over a decade we've been creating tools and applications for data. We built CKAN, the world's leading data portal platform that powers sites like data.gov and data.gov.uk. We've worked for companies and organizations like Google. We've helped create the open data movement from the ground up.
Our work on the DataHub is the culmination of everything we've done so far, and the distillation of everything we've learnt.
As technology, DataHub represents our vision for data management and automation. It's a tool for transforming our ability to create and use quality data, bringing dramatic improvements in ease, speed and reliability.
As a community, we want DataHub to be a home for people passionate about data like us. A place to discover and share high quality datasets, to connect with others and to share knowledge.
Ultimately, we want to revolutionize how we work with data as a community. How we collaborate to find, create and curate datasets. We want to make it faster, easier and more reliable to use and share high quality data and data-driven insight.
And, finally, to do this we are committed to building a thriving, sustainable business that treats its members, users and community fairly, transparently and integrously.
About the Founders
Rufus Pollock
Rufus Pollock is an entrepeneur and technologist who has worked on data platforms and open data for over fifteen years with governments, businesses and non-profits all over the world. He is Founder and President of Open Knowledge, Founder of Datopian and an Ashoka and Shuttleworth Fellow. He studied Mathematics at the University of Cambridge, going on to obtain a PhD in Economics and become a research fellow.
Adam Kariv
Adam Kariv is an experienced technologist and open data activist, with over 25 years of experience in a wide range of areas from embedded systems, mobile applications, scalable services to big data analysis and UI design. He studied Computer Science, Physics and Mathematics at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem. He has worked and consulted at Google and a variety of Israeli start-up companies as a CTO, Software Architect and platform specialist.